Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Catching Up and Kaleidoscope

Wahey! Today I've been to visit my other other half. The other half of ethel and edna - Ann. We had a fab time catching up. I showed her all my very non-fine art dolls and needle felting stuff. She showed me her fur covered toilet seats and hoodies made from bubble wrap!!! All that conceptual stuff seems so long ago now. It made me appreciate all over again how I can now make things because I enjoy making them, and there might be the possibility of selling them at some point. It made me laugh to think what Big Ian would say if he could see what I am producing now.
I have been a big bad blatant copyist today!!! After seeing incy's post the other day I really wanted to do a mosaic of my own Flickr favourites to brighten up my blog. She does know really and I'm hugely grateful to her for providing the link to big huge labs and their feast of toys to play with on Flickr. So here it is -

Row 1 (left to right):
1,2,3. incywincy 4. *BeautifulThings* 5,6.
Row 2:
1. meike 2. Swirlyarts 3. C.Karen 4,5. 6. Willowpoppy
Row 3:
1,2,3. Willowpoppy 4.bugsandfishes 5. createitcottage 6. creativebumblebee
Row 4:
1. PhaedraPhoenix 2. jellybelly*jellybrain 3. Blooming Felt 4. lis_glass 5,6. BBC Radio 2
Row 5:
1. BBC Radio 2 2. moomintravels 3. jellybelly*jellybrain 4. woodtattoos 5,6. shessosweet
Row 6:
1. glowing sunsets 2,3. made by moxie 4,5,6.

Hope you agree with some of my choices. The colours and textures just make me go 'Ooooh', as do the pics of Russell Brand (;0) hehe )


Sam Gillespie said...

Looks great - thanks for adding me :)
Those rabbit heads (bottom row) looks very cute!

Lindsey said...

They are what started me off needlefelting!!

craftyjan said...

craftyjan said love all your work

Ethel said...

It was also fab for me to see other half of Ethel and Edna, and Miss Evie. Your creations are awesome, especially pea and friends.
See you soon for coffee and cake Ethelx