Phew! What a weekend! I need another one to recover. As you can see from the pics we had a fab time with the llamas. The children learnt all about the history of the llamas first, including the fact that if they have been reared properly they shouldn't spit at people, only each other!! They were shown how to groom them to get all the knots out. A truly more thankless task than trying to brush kiddie's hair! Sadly they have someone who takes all the hair away to spin so I didn't get any to play with.
After returning them to the yard, Anna took the children to another part of the field and played games with them. A new variantion on Duck, Duck, Goose (Llama, Llama, Poo!), sack race, space hopper race, Llamas and Lions. They had great fun and luckily, despite the clouds, it didn't rain. It was then time for food. Loads of healthy stuff - fruit and veggies - as well as the usual sausage rolls and sarnies, and homemade cakes. They even made an Un-birthday cake with llamas on it.
OK. I think I've raved about it enough. All that's left is to add a linkie-poo to their site in case you are interested. Click here to see more pics and other llama fun and games.
I'm seriously wondering about my 40th next year. A llama party or a half day trek with a picnic? Hmm....
Oh - one last thing. I think that this is post 99. The next one (or possibly the one after that) is number 100. Giveaway time!! Stay tuned for further details. :o)
llamas scare the pants off me, so I am very proud of you for being so brave and getting close to them!!!
How fantastic!!!! I'd be sneezing my head off, but the what a fab half birthday!!
A Llama gobbed on Mr Pebble last time we met one - he was goading it so it served him right! Looks as though you had a great day - that teepee looks brilliant.
Many congrats on the Solstice walk. Your wings are fantastic. - perhaps a kind of exotic swallowtail.
looks like a fun fun party, glad it went well.
Happy un-birthday to Evie!!!! (did card arrive??)
I have got 2 bids and 12 watchers now.....i really must get alife!!!
my outfit for saturday is coming together nicely.....
off now to do some machine embroidery and felting and stuff xx
Shame you didn't get an LLama wool or stuff. It seems a missed opportunity by the farm to try and sell the stuff as well? I have a farm not far from me and when I am feeling extravagant about a project I am going to get some yarn from there.
I love the Llama un-birthday cake!
Thank you for joining This Is, I've added your blog to our blog roll!
Angela xx
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